Thursday, January 17, 2008

A 2008 Hello

I'm still here, despite my silence.

I cannot believe it's so long since I put hoof to computer.

I don't know what to say, really. Part of me isn't sure if I want to continue with the blog. Another part thinks I could continue but write occasionally like my friend 'Occasional Stirrings'. If I did that, then my posts would probably a little more considered and better formed. I don't know, really.

Lisbeth isn't giving me much talking practice at the moment. She was ill over the holiday period and is still a bit down, having achieved very little on her 'To do before I go back to the UK' list. I'm keeping a low profile. She's also contemplating what to do with her life! Oh dear........this will almost certainly involve big stuff. That means that some serious changes are afoot, when she gets her energy back. And she'll be making a 'Things I want to do with my life' list or a 'How do I want to be living?' list. Ooo Err! I'm tired out and she hasn't started, yet.

As I've made the effort to write, I might be inspired to see if I can find any photos from Xmas Don't hold your breath, though, you know what her photos are like.

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