Friday, February 23, 2007

Like a virgin birth!

Lisbeth's Kombucha has had its first baby. It's approximately two inches in diameter, flat and thin like a jelly-ish pancake. (I know - sounds disgusting!) She says that she knew her Kombucha would produce babies at some point but had no idea how they would present themselves. She might not have seen this one, had she not taken the parent out of its juice and actually handled it more than she usually does. It was when she was turning it over to see that the underside was healthy, that she discovered the baby, loosely attached underneath. I think she's hoping to give it to a friend at the weekend. Weird!

I found this site with pictures of fatter, better looking babies on it. Perhaps Lisbeth's will look more like these when her parent is bigger?


Anonymous said...

That kambucha stuff has pushed this gastronaut to the limits.

These creatures are surely extra-terrestrial... looking like soggy flying saucers, i beleive they are colonising our planet having consumed their own.

Monsieur mouton may be happy to hear that the rain has abated and the daily expanding flock of lambs behind the house are leaping and running proverbially.

Monsieur Mouton said...

I agree mr greenbean. Kombuchas are weird, for the weird. Still Lisbeth seems to like hers, although I note that it was some time before she actually touched it with her hands.

Good news about the new lambs. Have you seen Shaun the Sheep on my blog or on the TV? I am a fan of seriously woolly proportions.