Sunday, December 03, 2006

Stored wood near Vire

Lisbeth isn't feeling well today, nor was she too good yesterday, so we are having a quiet time in by the fire. One of the things we are talking about is our trip to Normandy last year to stay with friends. They live not far from Vire and kindly took us to see some unusual stacks of wood in a farm nearby. Many people in the countryside still heat their homes with wood, so it isn't uncommon to see long stacks of logs, about a metre high, all cut to length and neatly stored under a strip of corrugated iron or other such protection, ready for use in the winter. Some farms and gardens have very long stacks, two logs deep, gathered over many years.

As you can see, from this photo, this particular method of storing the logs is unusual and attractive. We are just discussing how it starts. How the logs are placed to create a house-like structure and how it remains firm enough to enable the shape to continue to create a 'roof' of logs.

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