Sunday, June 08, 2008

Will the sun bring guests?

I hope the sun is here to stay after the dreadful run of wet days we've had. My snail has departed. Yeee Haaa! Lisbeth ate her lunch outside under the fig. The sun shone. The cat came to visit.

I have, therefore, given myself the gift of hope: hope that we will have a good run of visitors. Or do I mean a run of good visitors?

Last year we had great visitors. There was Bob, Mr Dancer and Mr Writer. (Or was Bob the year before?) Each brought ideas about the meaning of life, the Universe and all sorts of weird and wonderful things. The time just flew by. Mind you, after conversations with a snail, just about anything will seem like rocket science.

I'm so excited at the prospect of guests.

1 comment:

Andy Bridle said...

Je suis désolé, Monsieur M, but this particular potential visitor won't be turning up for a while. I've come back to England to, as they say in France, reculer pour mieux sauter. Curiously, my broken laptop that was one of the reasons I returned, now works perfectly again after a good soaking in good full strength Welsh leccie. So all I need's a new battery, although I wouldn't be surprised if that doesn't cost nearly as much as a new laptop. See you later in the summer, I hope.