Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Meeting one of my readers

Friends came see Lisbeth, today. She likes having visitors. She knew the lady, already, from her trips to Bristol and was delighted that they came and that she was able to meet her friend's husband: a very nice man, who used to be a headmaster. They have bought a house a little further south of here and were in this area en route to see other friends. They brought with them some lovely bread and cheese and Lisbeth made soup and a fresh fruit salad. They had a look around the house, flat and garden, then sat and talked over a leisurely lunch.

I was introduced to the lady as it seems that she has been reading my blog. It was such a treat for me to meet one of my readers, although I was a little disappointed to be still in my winter quarters in the hall and not outside where I can present myself in a more appropriate way. However, she said "Ah.......... so this is Monsieur Mouton", in such a very nice tone of voice, that it quite made my day.

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