Monday, August 13, 2007


OK, enough of all this clock stuff and Lisbeth's trips. "How are you doing, personally?" I hear my readers asking.

Well, not too badly, actually. Thanks for taking an interest. It is getting a bit cool on the veranda at night and early in the morning; nothing at all like August, but other than that, I'm fine.

Anyway............ As it's Sunday, I've been thinking about 'Identity'. This is partly because I've had a couple of comments from someone who is having a bit of an identity crisis: identity in terms of gender, as opposed to personality (although the two are clearly linked). This has caused me to reflect upon how I knew I was 'Monsieur' Mouton as opposed to 'Madame' Mouton. I'm sorry to say that I don't really have any logical explanation. I suppose it just felt right. (Although being a sheep sculpture I suppose I can be whoever I want to be.)

So does this make a difference as to how I think about myself: my being able to choose? The self-development gurus would have us believe that we can be whoever we want to be although they don't always mean that in relation to gender. Do they?

In terms of identity, then, are we to look to psychology or philosophy for help? Also, can we really change at an identity level? From what to what? Is there anything that is stable, or a given? Are we the same every day? Will I be the same next week or next year? I choose to be 'Monsieur' Mouton. I have a self concept of myself as Monsieur Mouton (with capitals). I believe I am a happy sheep, who is reasonably intelligent and contributing to life, by commenting on it. But perhaps I can be something different if I want to be? (Although I don't think I would want to be Madame Mouton.)

I think I like Hume's Bundle Theory where he suggests that we are "... a bundle or collection of different perceptions...", and that these perceptions are "... in perpetual flux and movement". Hence, "The question of personal identity then becomes a matter of characterizing the loose cohesion of one's personal experience."

My personal experience is mapped out on my webpage and in this blog. I am a big bundle of woolly mouton perceptions and enjoying my loose cohesions!

How about you?

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