Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Lizzie in Toulouse

Lizzie's in Toulouse and I'm left here all alone
I don't know what her plans are for wending her way home
Lizzie isn't talking so I don't know what to do
I'm just trying to be hopeful as I try to make it through

The house is getting colder and my heart is full of woe
I'd get myself together but I don't know where to go
I hope she's coming back soon with a lot of lovely things
Then the house will be a fun place and my heart will have it's wings


Anonymous said...

My word you are a very depressed sheep! Have you thought that whilst left on your own you can introduce yourself to the wine cellar? Else I hear there's a farmer down the road that sells animal Ritalin...worth a pop?

Monsieur Mouton said...

Thank you, anonymous, for your kind comment and suggestion. I'm afraid the wine cellar leaves something to be desired, at the moment, as Lizzie and her recent visitors have taken full advantage of what was there.

I am expecting some photos from her soon, so I expect that will cheer me up.