Monday, October 01, 2007

Recycle the babies

While we're on the subject of fruit/food, the smell of chutney making was wafting, unappetizingly, out onto the veranda, today. Lizzie has been making her annual batch of Green Baby Chutney. It's not a nice smell as it's cooking, because all you can smell is the vinegar and that smells horrible.

Anyway, although it takes ages to make and stinks the place out, I am reliably informed that it tastes pretty brilliant. It's called green baby chutney because it is made from marrows that are the size of a baby and vaguely baby-shaped (except they don't have legs) or arms, of course! I like the name because of the recycling tinge to it and that is very a la mode at the moment. And we like to be a la mode ici en France.

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