Monday, October 13, 2008

A crunch too far

I've decided to take a bit of a break from all this crunching stuff. What with the crunching clock and our skewed perception of time; the credit crunch (a lot of which is now being exacerbated by people's perceptions of things, as opposed to the things themselves). Then there's the Hadron Collider with its particles and atoms and holes and hiding boson and peoples' perception that the world will disappear into one of the holes............ It's all a bit much for a poor sheep's brain.

When I first set out on this journey of sheep-development, I had the idea that I would write a bit here and there and pen a few sentences about my house mate and it would all be a bit of a gentle breeze. However, I have been subjected to all manner of highly educated and articulate visitors talking about stuff that makes my brain fizz. Then there's been my recent researches finding Sheldon, the turtle, retrofitting himself into various guises; an artist making lampshades out of sheep's stomachs, and all the crunching posts...... This isn't sheep-development. This is a sheep on the verge of a nervous breakdown. (Good title for a film, that, don't you think?)

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