Saturday, October 04, 2008


I think I'm on a bit of a roll with my thinking and posts this week: creative juices and all that. In addition, I've come to realise that I don't always need the good lady of the house for my talking practice, either. So as I seem to be doing just fine on my own, I'll press on unhindered and unbowed, as they say.

I've selected from my 'Biological Imperatives' post, (in a kind of tag-system of subject selection) the idea of 'retrofitting'. From the many definitions that seem to be about cars and houses and plumbing and things like that, I've gone down the 'noun' route with " the act of adding a component or accessory to something that did not have it when it was manufactured."

This seems pretty straightforward. When Lisbeth mended my legs, for example, she gave me more hoof-like feet than I had had, originally. Hence, I have 'retrofitted' hooves.

If you look around Mr Google's sweety shop, you can find all kinds of interesting things to do with retrofitting. Try this on for size......... a jumper. (Ha ha...) Yes, I found a zip-up jumper (that YOU could actually knit, if you had a mind to), using the pattern entitled 'Retrofit'. It's on a site called Knitty "with purls of wisdom". (Nice touch, that.)

On this same site there is a 'featured promotion'. Although it doesn't say that this promoted site is concerned with retrofitting, I am very sure that it is. So before you go whizzing off to take a look, let me explain why I think this is the case. OK.......... Sheldon is a knitted turtle. (Stay with me on this!) Sheldon's creator likes to make accessories for him, in order to turn him into other animals or human creatures. (It's American) He doesn't actually turn into other creatures, you understand, because he is turtle-shaped (albeit a bit odd-looking) and his head (which is somewhat large) remains that of a turtle.

Now - and I'm sure you're ahead of me here - this is where we can apply the term 'retrofit'. He was created (or manufactured) a turtle. When accessories - like wings or hats or a woolly coat - are 'retrofitted', he takes on aspects of other animals or human creatures. E.G. sheep, bat, lion, policeman, cowboy etc.

If you can bear it, visit the 'featured promotion' to get the idea. Then, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have very great pleasure in presenting to you: 'Sheldon', the video...........


Old Faithful Geysers said...


Your "featured promotions" ruminations in your RETROFITTING caught my right eye which noticed in the upper right corner of your blog an ad for "Mouton Cadet Rothchild" - SAVE ON WINE AND CHEESE COMPARE AND BUY FROM 1000'S OF STORES. GO TO

I don't know the intricacies of the French legal system but it seems to me that your blog is being used to advertise this commercial site, without your knowledge or consent.
Shouldn't you be entitled to some of the profit from those millions of sales in those thousands of stores? With just a tiny percentage of that money, Lizbeth could make you a splendid jumper and prepare you for the coming winter. She probably doesn't let you in her house, does she?

Just a thought - perhaps you can contact a good lawyer in Montmorillon and look into this matter.

Monsieur Mouton said...

Thank you very much, Mr Geyser, for your nothing but kind vigilance on my behalf.

I had decided to help the good lady of the house out with a bit of income by putting Adsense on my site. However, I haven't been terribly impressed by the range of adds chosen to date (by google trawling my site) nor, as it happens, have I been reassured by the competence of the Montmorillon lawyers.

Hence, it has been a bit of a damp squid on both fronts. All we need now, is for what little bit of money there is left in the world, to head on over to the Hadron Collider, where it can join the rest as it disapears into the black hole of Capitalism. I did wonder if a timely prayer to the Higgs Boson might do anything, but I'm not hopeful.

Anonymous said...

Ah - the famous moist sea creature rears its head in your reply, I notice. I once worked for a general manager who also used that phrase. One of his others was in talking about a competitor company fallen on hard times that they would have to call in the "liquidisers". Given the current state of financial meltdown probably an apt description.

Monsieur Mouton said...

Hello, Mr Rambler

How good you are to comment on my choice of words. I'm pleased to see that you are on your toes in these matters.

As to the meltdown.... In truth, I believe that Mr Meltdown has already left the building.

So what is a poor sheep to do? The good lady of the house talks about endeavoring to live only in the present moment. With this in mind, I have decided to concentrate on my veranda and contemplate my lovely readers. Ewe included.