Monday, March 05, 2007

Another day over and deeper in depth

Having choices: that's a good thing, right? Making changes in your life (if they are for the right reasons) helps you grow as a person, right? So why is Lisbeth finding it so difficult?

One of the models in NLP offers a structured approach to thinking through the process of change. It's called a well-formed outcome. The final stage looks at the 'ecology' of the proposed changes, focusing on the possible consequences for both the person driving the change as well as for others who may be affected. This suggests that it isn't OK to just go ahead and make changes willynilly. (Nice word.) Life changing decisions require the application of some wisdom: 'right thought' and 'right action'. To be able to exercise these, I imagine that it is necessary to have a certain amount of self knowledge so that one can distinguish between decisions made on behalf of the soul, (good) and decisions driven by the default motives of the personality. (Not so good.)

When all the thinking has been done, the consequences considered and the decision made, then it's just a matter of trusting the process, trusting yourself to do the right thing, and trusting that others can be resourceful for themselves.

Job done, Lisbeth! Monsieur Mouton has spoken words of woolly wisdom

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