Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chateau Brad Pitt

Continuing Lisbeth's visits for Patrimoine weekend, we have Chateau de Forge. This is a fairytale medieval chateau with turrets, an enclosed courtyard, a chapel and other buildings etc. (No photos, I'm afraid, as Madame forgot to take her camera!) There was a group of singers performing medieval music, and an opportunity to speak to an ebonist and a stone carver who use old fashioned techniques and tools in their work.

Both the stone carver and the ebonist, were French but worked in California. They explained that there is more money to be had over there and that people are more than happy to pay premium prices for hand-made craftsman pieces. The ebonist, for example, has been commissioned by one of his clients to make a copy of the map table in the Chateau de Versaille. This table is very beautiful with different veneers, marquetry, and has silver inlay.

Lisbeth went on to describe a photo that she saw in one of Mr Ebonist's display books. He was pictured standing on a ladder, sticking sheets of gold leaf onto a wall. When asked more about it, he said he was doing it for Brad Pitt: in his kitchen!!

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