Friday, September 12, 2008

Overheard in village shop. Big Bang Wednesday

Shop Assistant (serving a man): Have you heard the news?

Man (buying biscuits) : No

Shop Assistant: When they turn on the Geneva Convention, today, we might all disappear into a black hole ...


Old Faithful Geysers said...


Disappearing into a black hole of oblivion - that's what Woody Allen has always worried about (what happens to Shakespeare's words in a billion years or so when the sun burns out and the earth shrivels up?

John Keats was concerned about the same thing in his "When I have fears that I may cease to be/ Before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain..."

Mouty, what would happen to your own "teeming" brain? Gleaned by a black hole?

Monsieur Mouton said...

I really don't know, Mr Geyser, I really don't. I think the world has gone mad and I know where Keats is coming from. Maybe all those millions of US dollars have been sucked into a black hole and are not being crunched up anywhere in this reality.

P.S. Do you really think I may have a 'teeming' brain?