Sunday, September 09, 2007

Being still

Being still. Is it important to do some 'being still'?

I overheard Lisbeth talking about this with a friend the other day and it struck me that you humans spend a lot of time rushing about with this and that: working, shopping, watching TV, spending time on the computer, working on various projects etc. They were talking about how hard it is to fit everything in, as if life is a constant struggle to manage time rather than live through it.

Arbitrarily divided into smaller sections, it would appear that time sits waiting to be filled with the stuff of living. How often, I asked Lisbeth, do you just experience the passing of time; time as a presence in itself and not as something waiting to be filled?

For me (a sheep of sculptural proportions) I spend a lot of time being still: just standing and being there. It's like Canadian writer Frank Baron says in his blog (Random Musings) "Try it. You'll learn stuff." Pohangina Pete talks about being still, as well (with some great photos).

So that is what I will be encouraging Lisbeth to do: have 'sheep time', be still and, more importantly, be there.