Saturday, September 15, 2007

I write, therefore I am diverting myself

If I am a Boltzmann Brain, then I suppose this blog could be viewed as a bit of a brain dump? Not that I think I have a great deal of useful information to discharge. Maybe it's more of a divertissement.

I write, therefore I divert myself. From what, you might be asking? Well, from life! From being too serious about it, I suppose. That's the problem with being an entity and having a brain: you think. If you think, then it's hard to keep present. It's as if you have two parallel lives: the one where you do stuff in the real world and the one that exists in your mind. The mind seems less easy to organize and control because it has a proclivity for depressing thoughts about the past or the future; both of which are irrelevant to the present moment.

One of the definitions of divertissement (Websters 1913 Dictionary) says it is some form of "entertainment between the acts of a play". Well that is what writing this blog is for me: a diverting pause between the various acts of my life.

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