Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Keep y'r pyramid up

While Mr Dancer was here on holiday, he talked about seeing projects in terms of a pyramid. That is, do you see what needs to be done from the point or from the base.

It seems that if you see projects in your life from the point looking to the base, what's in front of your seems huge and overwhelming because it just gets bigger. If, on the other hand, you see it from the base, then the task in front of you diminishes, as you head pointwards.

Now, I know I'm a sheep of somewhat challenged brain capacity, but even I can see that this analogy isn't a world beater. However, you get the drift....................

Lisbeth can get overwhelmed by what there is to do on her projects here, in France, and things left to do in England. Mr Dancer says that when this happens, she sees it from the point position: everything just stretching away, getting bigger. So he was encouraging her to see things from the base. This way, the work diminishes as things get done and, bit by bit, she can know that projects will be achieved and life will get easier to manage.

I am pleased to report, Mr Dancer, that despite the traumas of her legal problems, she is managing to keep herself grounded and is, I feel, envisioning her projects from the base of the pyramid, more often than from the point.

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