Monday, June 04, 2007

Playing with the noticeboard

I've had a comment from Maud asking if she can put yesterday's poem on her noticeboard.

Is a noticeboard a board for notices or a board that you're suppose to notice?

I was noticing the board when I got bored. I got bored noticing the noticeboard. If I got bored noticing the noticeboard, would anybody notice?

I was noticed, noticing the noticeboard. I hope no one noticed I was bored.

If you notice, could you give me notice, if there are new notices on the noticeboard in case I don't notice?

I notice that, when I notice the noticeboard, I am aware that the notices are on the noticeboard to be noticed.

Unnoticed by anyone, I noticed that (when I had noticed the noticeboard) the noticeboard didn't have any notices on to be noticed and no one had noticed that the noticeboard had no notices.

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