Friday, June 01, 2007

The Haik-ewe experiment

As it's still raining here and is very miserable I've been checking out this quantum physics poetry thing "through the medium of sheep"(I really like that phrase!),

Check out the real thing at Quantum Sheep: The Haik-ewe experiment and then make some poetry of your own with these two-dimensional sheep. Each time you refresh the page, you get a different arrangement of the sheep and (because they are the medium) a different poem.


Andy Bridle said...

Sorry to hear you're a little mal à l'aise, Monsieur M. You do look quite pale, but then... sheep do have that tendency I suppose.

As for those quantum sheep, baaa humbug I say.

Monsieur Mouton said...

Thank you for your concern Andy B. It is possible that my attack of Supremoutism has exacerbated my low morale. However, sheep must as sheep do and life goes on (with or without humbugs).