Sunday, June 17, 2007

Under Pressure: Moi?

Lisbeth says that posting a video, yesterday, for Sunday Morning, even if it's called 'Sunday Morning' is a bit of a cop out because it doesn't help me with my talking practice. Well, there maybe something in that, but she isn't under pressure to write every day, like I am. It's not easy, you know, to come up with something interesting every 24 hours.

Now I know what you're thinking. You thinking "Well nobody forced you to write every day." That's as maybe. But in life, we start doing things or living a certain way and before you know it, we think that it is the only way to feel OK. Hence we set expectations of ourselves and then we actually 'fail' ourselves (as if we were our own parent or teacher) if we don't meet those self-set expectations. How ridiculous is that!

Apropos posting: Mr Occasional Stirrings has got it about right, as has The Idle Writer. They write something from time to time and, under the 'less is more' adage (or whatever) their less is certainly more. What they write is well written, interesting, often witty and usually has some 'depth'.

I don't really do depth. I'm probably more of a flounderer.

So let's hear it for the flounderers: splash, dip, delve! Yee-Ha!


Sally said...

Yeaahhh ... dare to be a dilettante, dabble to your heart's content!

Andy Bridle said...

Have you seen this MySpace page?

Monsieur Mouton said...

Thanks, Maud.
Andy B - thanks for the site.