Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Philosophical Jupiter

After yesterday's mammoth brain dump, I have been pondering this idea of 'Philosophical Jupiter' and what it really means. It is obviously important because it does the 'biquintiling' thing with plain old Sun and Mercury. So I've had a bit of a check up, and I am pleased to say that I have found someone to explain it all for us. In his article The Mystic and the Misanthrope: the Enigma of Arthur Schopenhauer (an astrological portrait), Gerry Goddard writes:

"The ontological substratum he [Schopenhauer] characterized as will can be ultimately symbolized by the trine from Pluto to the focal and philosophical Jupiter (S's [Schopenhauer's] mediating archetypal level) while the concrete individual manifestation of will is appropriately symbolized by the rising Mars trine the Sun."

So that's cleared that up, then!


Sally said...

Dear Monsieur Mouton
I think you may have lost the rest of us with the biquintile stuff. Judging by Saturday's THREE comments, we've been much more animated by the ongoing worry of your move to outdoors, and the whereabouts of the mug!
Warmest bleatings to you.
P.S. I ADORE your poems.

Monsieur Mouton said...

Thank you, Maud, for your concern. What a lovely name, by the way. I am still inside but am ever hopeful. I can at least see the garden from here so I'm sure it won't be long now.