Thursday, July 05, 2007

Lisbeth learns:

How to make chicken liver pate (with accent), different dressings for salads; how to cook lamb with spices and make horses douvres (or whatever!). Then there's different salads; an easy way to thicken things (?) and great gin and tonics. (Although she still doesn't have the 'right' glasses, apparently!)

Mr dancer is learning the difference between pate (accent) and 'rillets'; how to cook haricot verts with garlic and a fruit tart with macaroons.

The kitchen is full of different breads, huge garlics, lemons (for the gin), olives, crinkly lettuce, fab cheeses and goodness knows what else. Lisbeth and Mr Dancer whiz in and out like bats out of hell! Yesterday they went to the market, cut down a dead peach tree, had a bonfire, cleaned off the moss on the garden path, cooked a great meal (and drank rather a lot). Today, they've done weeding. Lisbeth wrote a difficult letter (in French) has been mowing and done more weeding and pruning. Mr Dancer has cleaned all the moss off the steps and done more food.

I'm worn out just watching!

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