Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Between visitors

We are in the gap between visitors at the moment so I have been reviewing those so far this year and those due.

First, we had Bob with whom I was able to discuss the more serious aspects of life, the universe and personality etc. Then there was Mr Dancer. He was much deeper than you might think. He's also a bit of a cool mover, as you'd expect, (and a gin and tonic expert.) On Friday, Mr Writer arrives. He writes books, articles and all sorts of stuff. He writes better than I do, of course, so I will be hoping for a few tips while he's here. (Bob is a writer as well but it seemed somehow nicer to call him Bob. I don't know why. I just like saying 'Bob' and it suited him, anyway.)

So.....I'm surrounded by arty and intelligent people. How lucky do I feel? Wool-wobblingly lucky. ( Try saying it!)

That being said, they don't always spend as much time with me as I would like. However, if it's fine and they eat under the fig, then I am strategically placed to participate in, or just listen to, the conversations. Later on, I can ruminate (on what they say, of course. Not physically! I am doing talking practice after all, so I'm a bit above just chewing and stuff!)


Sally said...

Might we look forward to a league table of visitors (from a sheep's perspective, of course)?

Monsieur Mouton said...

Hmmm. I'm not sure about that as all of them have something to offer and all are quite different.

It would be possible to have a 'height table, or a 'talking table', for example. I'll give it some thought. Thanks, Maud for your thought-provoking comments. Hmmm.