Sunday, July 15, 2007

Quantum Saddle?

Interesting breakfast conversation, today: how quantum physics relates to daily life. Mr Dancer and Lisbeth were discussing a book by Danah Zohar in which she argues for a reappraisal of models of personality in the light of modern developments in subatomic physics. It is quite an old book, apparently, but Mr dancer found it on Lisbeth's shelves and has been reading it: hence the discussion.

The conversation then moved on to notions of reality and personality - as you do - and whether we are just particles and stardust and what that might mean for the way we live our lives.

As Lisbeth and Mr Dancer moved on to explore the idea of 'light beings', I was wondering if the saddle suggestion (for me to have on my back) had anything to do with quantum physics because I found a site that mentions "...a characteristic pattern in quantum energy levels close to saddle points..." Hey..... do you think that I might be involved in something really deep and meaningful with this saddle thingy?

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