Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Matrixed life?

What is this life thing all about, then? Is it a mode of living that appears 'real' but, in fact, we are all just plugged into a big thing (like that film) that gives us the illusion of living a full and exciting life, when in reality we are just a collection of liquids with wires and things that join us to the thing?

Of course, I might be plugged into a special 'sheep matrix' where I believe that I am in France under a fig tree. I have found some evidence for this on the web, where someone talks of an animal matrix where "absolute position" is important. They go on to say that not all cells are occupied and that "in a matrix, the emptiness of a cell has meaning". Ooo-er! Is this spiritual emptiness or something more like a gap? (And what is meaning anyway?)

On the other hand, if all you humans are indeed plugged in to some sort of matrix, and I am in yours instead of my own sheep/animal matrix, then you might only be able understand what I'm saying because, as part of your matrix structure, you may all believe that you have your own Babel Sheep: and that could be me! Just think - I could be a Babel Sheep in your ear and not Monsieur Mouton in France under a fig tree.

Life eh?

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