Monday, July 02, 2007

Size matters

Hectic? I'll say. It was so hectic yesterday that even I was distracted from writing my daily post. It's all very interesting, though: having visitors. You learn so much. Yesterday I learned that size matters when it comes to ice cubes. Apparently you have to have very big ones and you need two very big ones for gin and tonic. Also, you should have 'highball' glasses (whatever they are) and Lisbeth doesn't have any so I anticipate a visit to the shops this week when she will be encouraged (by Mr Dancer) to get proper glasses!

As I'm still pondering the things that Bob and I talked about, I'm finding it really hard to focus on being in the 'thick moment' and be paying attention to the size of your ice cubes at the same time! I wonder if being totally focused on the size of ices cubes is a 'thick moment'?

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