Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Give me something to write about

I have discovered that I like responding to stuff that comes my way. This can be in the comments that people leave, or things that are sent to me or sent/given to Lisbeth. E.G. Visitor 1, my 'ovine' self, the sheep mug (which generated four or five posts) Biquintiles (several posts) Boswell (several posts) and the noticeboards etc., etc.

So if you would like me to apply my ovine brain to something (which will also help me with my talking practice) please leave your suggestions in the comments.


Sally said...

Cher MM
I wonder if you would like to comment on the assertion that sheep rank in intelligence just below pigs. Please see site for more details:

Monsieur Mouton said...

Thank you, Maud, you are a true friend. I will set to it